Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wanna Bet?

I have a suggestion for our President, to be followed by an invitation to place a friendly wager, and then I'm done.
Here's the suggestion: Mr. President, if you would like to expose Conservatives to be the party of blatant, unapologetic, conscience-free self interest that they are and always have been, they are offering you the opportunity of a lifetime. PLEASE don't pass it up. Here's what you do. Change the Health Care bill. Propose the following bill:
No American adult who now has no access to medical care shall be provided access. No health care for adults who have no insurance. NONE. If they die, they die. Those are the breaks. It's a tough world.
Instead, the ONLY people who will be allowed to see a doctor when they need one, or get medication if they need it, even if they have no insurance and no money, are THE CHILDREN. That's right. Universal Health Care for CHILDREN ONLY!
That's it. That's the bill. Now take that to the Hill and demand an up or down vote. I guarantee, Conservatives will vote it down. Not because it's a bad idea. It isn't. It's a great idea AND it has the added benefit of knuckling under to every objection to Universal Health Care that has been raised by Conservatives every time a Moderate or Liberal has brought the subject up in the past 70 years. These are not the reasons they will vote down a bill designed to save the lives of thousands of children per year. They will vote it down because it came from you.
These sniveling, whining cowards have proven they would vote down a suggestion to put out a fire in an all-white Christian day care center if the suggestion came from (GASP!) a Liberal. Expose them for the elitist, I-have-mine-fuck-the-rest-of-you lying, two-faced, grinning, glad-handing, cowardly sacks of shit every REAL American has always known them to be, if only because they have sweated their fat, pasty, country club asses into a lather to prove it time and time again. They WILL vote it down. They have no choice. After all, none of them had the brains to think of it, therefore, the rules of their Party require them to kill it. Anybody want to bet on it? I'll stop taking my heart medication and let myself die if a single Conservative votes to pass the bill I've proposed here. JUST ONE. Think about it. One less person thinking for himself in this country. Ooooo, what to do? WHAT TO DO? I'l bet you Conservatives are hopelessly confused about what your next move should be, aren't you? Do we vote for the bill and do our duty to rid America of someone who dares to think for himself? Do we kill the bill and leave someone who has the guts to speak his own mind rather than recite the lines fed to him by his handlers walking this Earth? What to do? WHAT TO DO? Come on Conservatives...time to put up or shut up. What's it gonna be, Pussies?


  1. 1% of the people have always done the thinking for the rest. Always have and always will.
    6 out of 10 Americans are against this bill. 6 out of 10 Americans are exactly described above - "I-have-mine-fuck-the-rest-of-you"
    I agree - but you did not gone far enough!
    Make all "Health Insurance" of any kind illegal for everyone. If you can't pay for it you don't get it period! If your wiped out by a car accident - a stroke - cancer - heart disease - diabetes -eat shit and die.
    While were at it let's eliminate Unemployment Insurance - Medicare - Medicaid - Disability - Car Home - Health - you name it all gone. If your house burns down - or you kid is maimed by a pit bull - or you get fired because of financial corruption on "Wall Street" you fucked for life. Left to eat shit and die under an overpass or in a Bus terminal.
    Lets not stop there. All offenses against "Society" from speeding to murder automatic death penalty. Eliminate public education - people who think are dangerous.
    Then pass a new law - if your not a $Billionaire by the time your 65 your put to death by lethal njection like a dog. That should get rid of all the liberal socialists that are standing in the way of the accumulation of wealth by those deserving of such privilege.

  2. First of all, thanks for stopping by and adding your thoughts. (In case anyone reading this thinks I'm thanking you because we agree, I would thank a die-hard NeoCon for sharing their "thoughts" just as quickly, if only because it gives me the opportunity to eviscerate them with their own twisted logic)
    Rich people have taught me something very important: You don't need character or honor to become rich. In fact, they seem to to get in the way.

  3. Government since the beginning of time - of the RICH - by the RICH - for the RICH. There are no exceptions to that "TRUTH", if reported history can be believed. As I write, our own observed reality -"TRUTH"- is being spun by the RICH who control what we are taught and what we are to believe! Sad but true. Same game new day! This "Empire" is clearly dying - a death of self interest and "GREED" - the 99% are too dumb to know what to do to stop the corrupting destructive forces of "GREED", and are absolutely incapable of doing anything about it. Our government was artfully created to insure that this "Republic" would never be of the people, and the people would only be there to benefit the "RICH".
